Friday, October 16, 2009

Vaccine Informational Meeting

For those of you who were unable to attend the meeting on Tuesday night, I will attempt to "re-cap" important points.

  • The high importance of Vitamin D3 in you and your children's diet/supplementation program right now, as it is cold and flu season. Vitamin D is provided primarily by sunlight. In the summer months it is not as critical because most of us are outside and getting large amounts of Vitamin D. With there being no sunlight in the winter, Vitamin D3 is very important to supplement with and to give to your children, as this is a HUGE boost for your immune system and body defense against illness and disease. For those of you breastfeeding, take between 2,000-5,000 IU of Vitamin D3 a day, which will be passed onto your little one. Children who are able to chew, do not need as much Vitamin D3, usually around 70 IU per day, and can get that in a liquid form or chewables. Check out to order your Vitamin D3. (Just last week I bought chocolate chewable Vitamin D3.... so good!)

  • Vaccinations have been proven to depress your child's immune system, rather than "beef it up" to fight off illness and disease. Every time you give an immunization, you are depressing your child's immune system, possibly making them more susceptible to further illness and/or disease. Vaccines have also been known to "short circuit" the immune system, which is why it is believed we have such a high incidence of chronic disease in our world today (i.e. Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic fatigue Syndrome, Measles, Shingles, etc)

  • It is extremely important to have your child adjusted regularly by a chiropractor to improve their nervous system function. When we have subluxations (or vertebra out of alignment) we are "blocking" the natural flow of the nervous system, which is the communication from your brain to the rest of your body. Improving nervous system function will also improve their immune system, as well as cognitive and developmental function. Chiropractic in children can help with constipation, EAR ACHES, gassiness, clubbed feet, and the list goes on and on... My son Mason has been adjusted once a week since the day he was born and I can't tell you the difference it has made! Check out to schedule a chiropractic appointment or call our office at 574-875-5959!

  • When decided to not vaccinate your children, Indiana offers 2 different types of exemptions. A medical exemption and a religious exemption. It is safer legally and smarter to file a religious exemption that should be signed by your minister, stating you have decided not to vaccinate for religious reasons. In a court of law, you have a better chance at winning a lawsuit, if you were ever to be taken to court (saying the government some day made it mandatory for children to be vaccinated), by signing the religious exemption because of the freedom to religion in the constitution. Even if you have already started the vaccination process and have decided not to continue, you can still file for a religious exemption.

Websites for more information:


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