Friday, October 9, 2009

Homemade baby food!

I recently decided to start my son Mason on solid foods. After much debate as to when the appropriate time was to start solids, I decided at 5 months he was ready! Reading various opinions on the appropriate time to start, I found common themes on how to know your baby is ready. He was very interested in my food, sitting up on his own, and pushing himself up with his arms when on his stomach, all signs your baby might be ready. I decided to start him on an organic brown rice cereal with EPA/DHA and probiotics added for his immune system. He loved it! Although unsure what to do with his tongue for the first couple of days, he quickly caught on. I decided I wanted to make my own baby food, as this is a very cost effective option as well as very healthy option! It is amazing to have the freedom to control what is going into his body and know there is no preservatives, no additives, or artificial flavoring! He is gaining all of the nutrients right from the food! It is so easy and so much fun. You simply steam the fruit or vegetable until very soft and then puree, adding the water you used to steam the food to make sure you didn't lose any nutrients in the steaming process. I started him on butternut squash, which he loved, moved to carrots, then sweet potatoes, pears, apples, and peaches. I usually mix his fruits with his rice cereal in the evening to give it a little more flavor. I recently made pumpkin, green beans, and zucchini, which he is still learning to like! The best part about making your own baby food is that you can be very creative in what you make! You can simply puree the dinner you make for your family and your baby has a quick meal in minutes! If you have the time, I would encourage all moms to do this! It is so good for your baby and his/her immune system. As you can see by the picture I posted, Mason loves his homemade baby food!

1 comment:

  1. iloved doing this too. i had a great book with good recipes, 100 first baby foods. Good directions on how to make things and tell you what stages to add certain things. have fun! so glad mason loves it!
