Monday, October 19, 2009

InfaSkin Probiotic

A new product has just recently been released through Health Designs ( called InfaSkin Probiotic. This product is manufactured by the company Douglas Laboratories and was designed to reduce the prevalence of allergic diseases in infants and children. This is a powder based product that can be taken by pregnant women (starting at 34 weeks) or breastfeeding mothers. The purpose of this new product is to increase the "good bacteria" in the gut and digestive system to help aid the immune system in its defense against disease processes. Before birth, the GI tract does not have any "good bacteria," this bacteria is instead obtained during the birthing process and through breastfeeding. If a mother has a c-section, uses antibiotics during delivery or when pregnant, if the baby is given antibiotics, or if the infant is formula fed, these are all factors that can reduce the infants exposure to "good bacteria," which may hinder the development of normal immune responses needed to support optimal health. This product has been clinically tested and proven to help reduce the allergic disease process in infants, such as cradle cap, atopic eczema, food allergies, asthma or allergic rhinitis (stuffy nose) and other skin allergies that present early on in life. Children are again at increased risk for these things if you or your spouse has/had any of the follwing. If your child does not seem to have any skin allergies or skin sensitivities/conditions other forms of probiotics would be beneficial to boost their immune defense and add or replace the "good bacteria" their bodies need to fight off infection and disease. Probiotics can be taken as early as infancy and can be continued on throughout adult life, so you are never too old to start! Let me know if you have any questions! Or check out the health designs website for probiotic products (!

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