Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New Site!

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted anything yet this week, I have been working hard at our new site! It is still in the works, but is up and running... pretty cool! Check it out www.momsintouch.wordpress.com! This will be our new site and will take over this one, so refer to the new site from now on! Let me know what you think! Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Swine Flu Rap!

Dont get the vaccine... just follow the rap to better health this flu season! Enjoy! :)


New Info on Breastmilk and it's effects on breastfed babies

Really Interesting article on Breatfeed babies and the effects of expressed breastmilk given to them throughout the day! Check it out!

For baby, a breast-milk cappuccino: Morning feed gives infants a natural pick-me-up Mail Online
Source: www.dailymail.co.uk
Breast-fed babies receive a different milk drink depending on the time of day - the natural equivalent of cappuccino in the morning and Horlicks at night.

Are you kidding me????

This article is rediculous! Not only do they NOT realize how dangerous vaccines are, but now they are saying don't give Tylenol because the vaccine wont be as effective... seriously folks, think before you publish!!! Check it out!

The Associated Press: Giving babies Tylenol may blunt vaccines' effects
Source: www.google.com
Giving babies Tylenol to prevent fever when they get childhood vaccinations may backfire and make the shots a little less effective, surprising new research suggests.

"Well Adjusted Babies"

Dr Jennifer Barham-Floreani is a mother of four, chiropractor (recently awarded both Australian Chiropractor of the Year and Victorian Chiropractor of the Year), business owner and writer. Jennifer's work is respectful yet thought provoking and encourages parents to define their own health culture. The material she presents is both informative and entertaining as she shares the highs and lows of living amidst a testosterone filled household. As always, her peices are written with a heartfelt honesty and raw emotion that nourish the soul.

Jennifer is married to a chiropractor and raises her children with strong health principles. Adjusted since birth by her chiropractor father and growing up in one of Australia's largest chiropractic families, Jennifer is not a recent adoptee of wellness philosophies.
She is passionate about holistic parenting which she believes requires constantly sourcing knowledge on how to nurture her children's health and well-being. Strengthening their life force physically, emotionally and spiritually.Jennifer does not believe this style of parenting happens by default but rather that it requires both commitment and stamina.

Dr. Jennifer just recently published a book entitled "Well Adjusted Babies" which speaks about health during pregnancy, birthing preparation, and holistic parenting! She also has an awesome blog that I think most of you would find very interesting: http://www.welladjustedbabies.com/blog/. Check her out!

Monday, October 19, 2009

InfaSkin Probiotic

A new product has just recently been released through Health Designs (http://www.healthdesigns.com/) called InfaSkin Probiotic. This product is manufactured by the company Douglas Laboratories and was designed to reduce the prevalence of allergic diseases in infants and children. This is a powder based product that can be taken by pregnant women (starting at 34 weeks) or breastfeeding mothers. The purpose of this new product is to increase the "good bacteria" in the gut and digestive system to help aid the immune system in its defense against disease processes. Before birth, the GI tract does not have any "good bacteria," this bacteria is instead obtained during the birthing process and through breastfeeding. If a mother has a c-section, uses antibiotics during delivery or when pregnant, if the baby is given antibiotics, or if the infant is formula fed, these are all factors that can reduce the infants exposure to "good bacteria," which may hinder the development of normal immune responses needed to support optimal health. This product has been clinically tested and proven to help reduce the allergic disease process in infants, such as cradle cap, atopic eczema, food allergies, asthma or allergic rhinitis (stuffy nose) and other skin allergies that present early on in life. Children are again at increased risk for these things if you or your spouse has/had any of the follwing. If your child does not seem to have any skin allergies or skin sensitivities/conditions other forms of probiotics would be beneficial to boost their immune defense and add or replace the "good bacteria" their bodies need to fight off infection and disease. Probiotics can be taken as early as infancy and can be continued on throughout adult life, so you are never too old to start! Let me know if you have any questions! Or check out the health designs website for probiotic products (www.healthdesigns.com)!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Vaccine Informational Meeting

For those of you who were unable to attend the meeting on Tuesday night, I will attempt to "re-cap" important points.

  • The high importance of Vitamin D3 in you and your children's diet/supplementation program right now, as it is cold and flu season. Vitamin D is provided primarily by sunlight. In the summer months it is not as critical because most of us are outside and getting large amounts of Vitamin D. With there being no sunlight in the winter, Vitamin D3 is very important to supplement with and to give to your children, as this is a HUGE boost for your immune system and body defense against illness and disease. For those of you breastfeeding, take between 2,000-5,000 IU of Vitamin D3 a day, which will be passed onto your little one. Children who are able to chew, do not need as much Vitamin D3, usually around 70 IU per day, and can get that in a liquid form or chewables. Check out www.healthdesigns.com to order your Vitamin D3. (Just last week I bought chocolate chewable Vitamin D3.... so good!)

  • Vaccinations have been proven to depress your child's immune system, rather than "beef it up" to fight off illness and disease. Every time you give an immunization, you are depressing your child's immune system, possibly making them more susceptible to further illness and/or disease. Vaccines have also been known to "short circuit" the immune system, which is why it is believed we have such a high incidence of chronic disease in our world today (i.e. Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic fatigue Syndrome, Measles, Shingles, etc)

  • It is extremely important to have your child adjusted regularly by a chiropractor to improve their nervous system function. When we have subluxations (or vertebra out of alignment) we are "blocking" the natural flow of the nervous system, which is the communication from your brain to the rest of your body. Improving nervous system function will also improve their immune system, as well as cognitive and developmental function. Chiropractic in children can help with constipation, EAR ACHES, gassiness, clubbed feet, and the list goes on and on... My son Mason has been adjusted once a week since the day he was born and I can't tell you the difference it has made! Check out www.schneiderclinic.com to schedule a chiropractic appointment or call our office at 574-875-5959!

  • When decided to not vaccinate your children, Indiana offers 2 different types of exemptions. A medical exemption and a religious exemption. It is safer legally and smarter to file a religious exemption that should be signed by your minister, stating you have decided not to vaccinate for religious reasons. In a court of law, you have a better chance at winning a lawsuit, if you were ever to be taken to court (saying the government some day made it mandatory for children to be vaccinated), by signing the religious exemption because of the freedom to religion in the constitution. Even if you have already started the vaccination process and have decided not to continue, you can still file for a religious exemption.

Websites for more information:

  1. www.mercola.com
  2. www.hrsa.gov
  3. www.state.in.us
  4. www.in.gov/isdh/23941.htm
  5. www.NVIC.org
  6. www.homefirst.com
  7. www.CDC.gov

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Exericse your childs brain!

A recent article in the Pathways magazine by Dr. Monika Buerger, D.C. stated,
"Our brains learn and retain information by moving through three-dimensional space. In today's world, infants are spending more time in car seats, walkers, and other restrictive devices that impair proper neuropathway development. As children get older, the increase use of computers, video games, and text messaging limit critical movement necessary to continue and maintain proper neuropathway development. Children need a daily dose of "brain food" such as running, skipping, jumping, climbing, swinging, and crawling. In addition, children need activities that involve movement of both sides of the body. When they are young, expose them to a variety of different textures, especially on their hands, feet, and face. Get them moving and let them be kids!"
What truth there is in her statement! So let your kids get dirty and roll around on the floor...carpets can always be cleaned! :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Chiropractic is Part of Swine Flu Prevention Program in Children

I read an article today that will hopefully calm the fears of most mothers out there worried about the Swine Flu scare in children. The article confirmed my suspicions and points that the media does not always report "all of the story" when talking about death from Swine Flu.

"The above headline comes from a September 8, 2009 research update release from the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health. The author of the release Matthew McCoy D.C., is an Associate Professor of Clinical Sciences at Life University, a public health specialist, health researcher and editor of the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health.
The release notes that on September 4, 2009, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) issued a report on the H1N1 virus known as the swine flu. The CDC report showed that there had been 36 deaths in children under 18 associated with the swine flu. The CDC report noted that a higher than usual amount of these deaths (67%) involved children with serious "high-risk medical conditions". Normally the average death toll in children from the yearly flu shows that only 35% to 55% had previous serious medical conditions. This suggests that children not suffering from serious medical conditions are less likely to die from H1N1 than from previous years flu outbreaks.
Additionally, the CDC report noted that most of the previously seriously ill children, (92%), who succumb to the flu were suffering from "neurodevelopmental conditions". Because of the nervous system involvement reported by the CDC, Dr. McCoy noted, "The number of children with neurological, neurodevelopmental and pulmonary disorders who ended up with complications from the H1N1 flu and who ultimately died from these complications point to the need to make sure that children with such disorders, and in fact all children, have as little interference to their nervous systems as possible". Dr. McCoy added "It (CDC report) also shows that the majority of children who ended up with complications from H1N1 infection were not normal, healthy children. So, if you have normal, healthy children - rather than panic from these media reports its better to consider the things you can do to make sure that your childs immune system remains functioning at its best."
The Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health notes that in addition to a healthy diet, exercise and proper sleep, one crucial way to make sure a childs immune system is functioning at its best is to make sure their nervous system is free from interference. The Journal release also noted that the nervous system has a direct effect on the immune system and the spine houses and protects the spinal cord and nerves, a vital portion of the nerve system. They therefore state that it is important to have childrens spines checked for any interference to the nervous system.
Dr. Christopher Kent, chiropractic researcher and President of the Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation, advised, "Nerve interference can result from spinal misalignments or abnormal motion in the spine called vertebral subluxations and because the nervous system affects immune function it is important to reduce or correct any vertebral subluxations if found." Dr. Kent added, "The lesson in all of this is to go back to the basics. The best defense against viral and bacterial diseases, in addition to the recommendations for hand washing and covering your mouth, is a highly functioning immune system. Chiropractic should be part of an effective flu prevention strategy." '

Holistic Parenting Meeting

Tuesday, October 13th at 6:30pm there will be a Holistic Parenting meeting given by Dr. Mark Lindholm, a local Chiropractor at the Natural Health Family Chiropractic in Elkhart. Dr. Lindholm will be speaking about the benefits and risks of childhood vaccinations, including the swine flu vaccination. The meeting will be held at the Goshen Public Library, 601 S. 5th St., in the Schrock Auditorium (Lower level of library). His website is http://www.nhfchiropractic.com/ if you are interested! See you there!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Homemade baby food!

I recently decided to start my son Mason on solid foods. After much debate as to when the appropriate time was to start solids, I decided at 5 months he was ready! Reading various opinions on the appropriate time to start, I found common themes on how to know your baby is ready. He was very interested in my food, sitting up on his own, and pushing himself up with his arms when on his stomach, all signs your baby might be ready. I decided to start him on an organic brown rice cereal with EPA/DHA and probiotics added for his immune system. He loved it! Although unsure what to do with his tongue for the first couple of days, he quickly caught on. I decided I wanted to make my own baby food, as this is a very cost effective option as well as very healthy option! It is amazing to have the freedom to control what is going into his body and know there is no preservatives, no additives, or artificial flavoring! He is gaining all of the nutrients right from the food! It is so easy and so much fun. You simply steam the fruit or vegetable until very soft and then puree, adding the water you used to steam the food to make sure you didn't lose any nutrients in the steaming process. I started him on butternut squash, which he loved, moved to carrots, then sweet potatoes, pears, apples, and peaches. I usually mix his fruits with his rice cereal in the evening to give it a little more flavor. I recently made pumpkin, green beans, and zucchini, which he is still learning to like! The best part about making your own baby food is that you can be very creative in what you make! You can simply puree the dinner you make for your family and your baby has a quick meal in minutes! If you have the time, I would encourage all moms to do this! It is so good for your baby and his/her immune system. As you can see by the picture I posted, Mason loves his homemade baby food!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

10 Books You Need To Know About

For those of you interested in Autism and Vaccinations, there are 10 Books you should know about:
  • Vaccine Safety Manual (Neil Z. Miller)
  • Saying No to Vaccines (Sherri Tenpenny)
  • The Parents' Concise Guide to Childhood Vaccines (Lauren Feder)
  • Mother Warriors: A Nation Of Parents Healing Autism Against All Odds (Jenny McCarthy)
  • Children with Starving Brains: A Medical Treatment Guide for Autism Spectrum Disorder (Jaquelyn McCandless)
  • Vaccines, Autism, & Chronic Inflammation: The New Epidemic (Barbara Loe Fisher)
  • Healing the New Childhood Epidemics: Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies. The Groundbreaking Program for the 4-A Disorders (Kenneth Bock and Cameron Stauth)
  • Gut and Psychology Syndrome: Natural Treatment for Autism, ADD/ADHD, Dyselxia, Dyspraxia, Depression, Schizophrenia (Dr. Natasha campbell-McBride)
  • Evidence of Harm: Mercury in Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic (David Kirby)
  • Yoga for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents and Caregivers (Dion E. Betts and Stacey W. Betts)

"The Great Measles Misunderstanding"

Recently Dateline NBC had a Sunday evening special report regarding vaccines and their possible link to Autism. The report specifically highlighted the MMR vaccine and it's increasing link to Autism, as many parents had reported their child neurologically and behaviorly "normal" until around 17-24 months, typically the range of time when the MMR vaccine is scheduled to be administered. I recently read an article in the "Pathways" magazine titled, "The Great Measles Misunderstanding," written by Dr. Darrel Crain, D.C. In summary, the article stated that about 40 years ago, measles was acquired by 90% of children and was known as "just another annoying childhood illness." Measles related death had also declined by 90% before the "pre-vaccine era" due to better standards of living, better nutrition, better medical care, and more effective sanitation. But due to the high incidence of illness, in 1967 health authorities decided to push the need to eradicate measles, leading to a dangerous trail of events. The first vaccine produced was an inactivated strain of the measles, or "killed" measles vaccine. An estimated 600,000 to 900,000 people in the US received this vaccine. After vast amounts were vaccinated, they found that the vaccine sensitized the recipient to the measles without providing adequate protection. Because of this, those who were vaccinated with the "killed vaccine" were found to develop atypical measles, an autoimmune disorder (meaning your immune system attacks itself)causing high fevers, unusual rashes, pneumonia, and pleural edema (or swelling/inflammation of the pleural space between your lungs, causing difficulty to breath and/or fluid to accumulate in the lungs). Because of this atypical response, the MMR, or "live vaccine" was created in 1971, thinking this vaccine would be much safer and provide better immunity. Shortly after this vaccine was released in 1980, several research studies were completed , finding that outbreaks of measles can still occur in students in secondary schools even when more than 99% of the students were vaccinated.
The article then goes on to state that before the widespread vaccination of measles babies were not at risk because they acquired immunity through their mother's blood. And adults were not at risk because they gained lifelong immunity as a child. But because of the vaccinations, both groups are now at greater risk of severe disease and complications, noted as an "unintended outcome" of the vaccination. Now the fear is what will happen as we eventually replace natural measles with the vaccine measles? It is said that despite short-term success in eliminating measles, long-term projections show we are at a higher risk of infection than we started with in the "pre-vaccine era". So what if this happens and our child is exposed to the measles? New research suggests that supplementing with Vitamin A has been repeatedly effective in clinical trials all over the world to reduce the infection and lower the risk of death. With this being said, in the future we might see those who once criticized parents for not vaccinating their children, speaking words of gratitude! Just a thought! :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Swine Flu Scare!

I received an email with this video enclosed just today. Very interesting information provided... check it out!


Monday, October 5, 2009

Chiropractic Works!

Just a fun quick note.... we had a patient come into the office today that is 38 weeks pregnant and has a breech baby. After a few adjustments in the past few weeks, she stated today that her baby had turned and is now head down! Wahoo! Chiropractic Works!

Fevers, Runny Nose, and Coughing... Oh My!

As cold and flu season rapidly approaches, the concern regarding our children's health rises. How can I keep them from getting sick? What should I do if they get sick? What medications are safe for children? Are all common questions that can arise. Symptoms commonly include fever, runny nose, coughing, vomiting, and diarrhea, and range from mild to severe. Fevers seem to be the most common cause of concern for parents, including myself. Pediatricians often recommend giving children Tylenol at the first sign of a fever. The reason being that if a fever reaches high enough (103-104 or greater) for a long enough period of time, it can produce a seizure in the child and result in possible brain damage. Although this is a possiblity, it is extremely rare. I recently read an article in the "Pathways" magazine written by a Pediatrician and Lactation Consultant, Dr. Susan Markel. The article changed my views on treating symptoms in children.
The article read, "... As loving and caring parents, we naturally want to help our children feel better when the inevitable fevers, colds, and illnesses arise. Many of us will reach for popular over-the-counter remedies to suppress fever and alleviate symptoms, in the belief that these products are reliable. Yet, it is important to recognize that by suppressing fever, we are suppressing a critical immune response—one that has a necessary function in fighting illness.
I can attest to the enormous fear that fever provokes in parents. By far, the greatest number of after-hours telephone calls are questions regarding the “management” of fever with drugs. Undue attention to a child’s temperature and mishandling of fevers generate a great deal of unwarranted parental anxiety, avoidable medical complications, and countless calls and costly visits to doctors and emergency rooms. As long as we remain captive to the medical myth that nature made a mistake in causing a fever during illness, our children will be put at risk.
Yes, fever can be uncomfortable. A child with a high fever will often seem irritable, lethargic, glassy eyed, and listless. This alerts you that the body is mobilizing defense against disease and you, in turn, must care for your child in the most appropriate way: encouraging rest and fluids. On the other hand, there may be no reason to treat even a high fever if your child seems happy, active and alert..."
I couldn't agree with her more on this issue! There is so much truth behind what she is saying. I recently took my son to the Fast Track at Elkhart General Hospital due to Croup and Laryngitis (I know Laryngitis in a 3 month old... crazy!) I can't tell you how much I appreciated the Doctor in the ER as he told me to go home, let my son "wait it out", give him Pedialyte for electrolyte imbalance, and DO NOT put him on any antibiotics. He made a statement to me that calmed my nerves immediately. He said, "I personally believe we over medicate children today. My children are 7 and 8 and have yet to take an antibiotic." Can you believe that?? A medical doctor saying this! I felt so relieved! But there is truly something to say about what he said! God gave our children immune systems and a strong immune defense for a reason! We shouldn't suppress this system, we need to learn to let it "fight it out" to strengthen itself (although there may be a severe situation that warrants medication!) Let me know what you think regarding this issue! Post your comments/thoughts/concerns!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Welcome! I am so excited to start this blog for myself and other mothers! I encourage you to use this site for education, questions, frustrations, and excitement regarding your children. I am just a new mother, of five months, and don't know everything yet, but I know there are a lot of you out there that have some great things to share! I encourage you to do that on this blog. I will frequently be updating the blog with websites, bits and pieces of education, nutrition, homeopathic medications for children's use, and much more! Feel free to add your own information as well! The most exciting thing about this blog is that "we", as mother's, can come together and gain a better understanding of our children, as well as understanding that we are not alone in our thoughts, feelings, and frustrations! I also encourage you to share this blog with your friends or family that have children. The more people we expand to the more we learn from each other! Enjoy!